Tools and Workflows

Manage creation of tools and workflows for workflow tracking.

Command-line tool

Represent a CommandLineToolFactory for tracking workflows.

class renku.core.models.cwl.command_line_tool.CommandLineToolFactory(command_line, explicit_inputs=NOTHING, explicit_outputs=NOTHING, no_input_detection=False, no_output_detection=False, directory='.', working_dir='.', stdin=None, stderr=None, stdout=None, successCodes=NOTHING, annotations=None, messages=None, warnings=None)[source]

Command Line Tool Factory.


Read indirect inputs list and add them to explicit inputs.


Read indirect outputs list and add them to explicit outputs.


Remove indirect inputs and outputs list.


Yield explicit inputs and command line input bindings if any.

generate_process_run(client, commit, path)[source]

Return an instance of ProcessRun.


Yield command input parameters and command line bindings.


Yield detected output and changed command input parameter.

guess_type(value, ignore_filenames=None)[source]

Return new value and CWL parameter type.

is_existing_path(candidate, ignore=None)[source]

Return a path instance if it exists in current directory.


Yield tuples with input id and path.


Read files list where each line is a filepath.


Return tuple with command and args from command line arguments.

validate_command_line(attribute, value)[source]

Check the command line structure.

validate_path(attribute, value)[source]

Path must exists.

watch(client, no_output=False)[source]

Watch a Renku repository for changes to detect outputs.


Represent an annotation for a workflow.

class renku.core.models.cwl.annotation.Annotation(*, id, body=None, source=None)[source]

Represents a custom annotation for a research object.


Create JSON-LD.

classmethod from_jsonld(data)[source]

Create an instance from JSON-LD data.

class renku.core.models.cwl.annotation.AnnotationSchema(*args, commit=None, client=None, **kwargs)[source]

Annotation schema.

Create an instance.

class Meta[source]

Meta class.


alias of Annotation


Represent parameters from the Common Workflow Language.

class renku.core.models.cwl.parameter.CommandInputParameter(id=None, streamable=None, type='string', description=None, default=None, inputBinding=None)[source]

An input parameter for a CommandLineTool.

classmethod from_cwl(data)[source]

Create instance from type definition.


Format command input parameter as shell argument.

class renku.core.models.cwl.parameter.CommandLineBinding(position=None, prefix=None, separate: bool = True, itemSeparator=None, valueFrom=None, shellQuote: bool = True)[source]

Define the binding behavior when building the command line.


Format command line binding as shell argument.

class renku.core.models.cwl.parameter.CommandOutputBinding(glob=None)[source]

Define the binding behavior for outputs.

class renku.core.models.cwl.parameter.CommandOutputParameter(id=None, streamable=None, type='string', description=None, format=None, outputBinding=None)[source]

Define an output parameter for a CommandLineTool.

class renku.core.models.cwl.parameter.InputParameter(id=None, streamable=None, type='string', description=None, default=None, inputBinding=None)[source]

An input parameter.

class renku.core.models.cwl.parameter.OutputParameter(id=None, streamable=None, type='string', description=None, format=None, outputBinding=None)[source]

An output parameter.

class renku.core.models.cwl.parameter.Parameter(streamable=None)[source]

Define an input or output parameter to a process.

class renku.core.models.cwl.parameter.WorkflowOutputParameter(id=None, streamable=None, type='string', description=None, format=None, outputBinding=None, outputSource=None)[source]

Define an output parameter for a Workflow.


Convert a default value.


Represent the Common Workflow Language types.

class renku.core.models.cwl.types.Directory(path=None, listing=NOTHING)[source]

Represent a directory.

class renku.core.models.cwl.types.Dirent(entryname=None, entry=None, writable=False)[source]

Define a file or subdirectory.

class renku.core.models.cwl.types.File(path)[source]

Represent a file.

class renku.core.models.cwl.types.PathFormatterMixin[source]

Format path property.


Represent workflows from the Common Workflow Language.

class renku.core.models.cwl.workflow.Workflow(steps=NOTHING)[source]

Define a workflow representation.


Add a workflow step.

class renku.core.models.cwl.workflow.WorkflowStep(run, id=NOTHING, in_=None, out=None)[source]

Define an executable element of a workflow.


Convert value to CWLClass if dict is given.