
Renku releases and development versions are available from PyPI. You can install it using any tool that knows how to handle PyPI packages. Our recommendation is to use :code:pipx.


We do not officially support Windows at this moment. The way Windows handles paths and symlinks interferes with some renku functionality. We recommend using the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) to use renku on Windows.


First, install pipx and make sure that the $PATH is correctly configured.

$ python3 -m pip install --user pipx
$ python3 -m pipx ensurepath

Once pipx is installed use following command to install renku.

$ pipx install renku
$ which renku

pipx installs renku into its own virtual environment, making sure that it does not pollute any other packages or versions that you may have already installed.


If you install renku as a dependency in a virtual environment and the environment is active, your shell will default to the version installed in the virtual environment, not the version installed by pipx.

To install a development release:

$ pipx install --pip-args pre renku


$ pip install renku

The latest development versions are available on PyPI or from the Git repository:

$ pip install --pre renku
# - OR -
$ pip install -e git+

Use following installation steps based on your operating system and preferences if you would like to work with the command line interface and you do not need the Python library to be importable.


The containerized version of the CLI can be launched using Docker command.

$ docker run -it -v "$PWD":"$PWD" -w="$PWD" renku/renku-python renku

It makes sure your current directory is mounted to the same place in the container.