Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2018-2021 - Swiss Data Science Center (SDSC)
# A partnership between École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) and
# Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (ETHZ).
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Client for handling datasets."""

import concurrent.futures
import imghdr
import os
import re
import shlex
import shutil
import tempfile
import time
import uuid
from collections import OrderedDict
from contextlib import contextmanager
from pathlib import Path
from subprocess import PIPE, SubprocessError
from urllib import error, parse
from urllib.parse import ParseResult, urlparse
from urllib.request import urlretrieve

import attr
import patoolib
import requests
from git import GitCommandError, GitError, Repo
from wcmatch import glob

from renku.core import errors
from import clone
from import RENKU_HOME
from import is_project_unsupported, migrate
from renku.core.models.datasets import (
from renku.core.models.git import GitURL
from renku.core.models.provenance.agents import Person
from renku.core.models.provenance.datasets import DatasetProvenance
from renku.core.models.refs import LinkReference
from renku.core.utils import communication
from renku.core.utils.git import add_to_git, run_command
from renku.core.utils.migrate import MigrationType
from renku.core.utils.urls import remove_credentials

[docs]@attr.s class DatasetsApiMixin(object): """Client for handling datasets.""" DATASETS = "datasets" """Directory for storing dataset metadata in Renku.""" POINTERS = "pointers" """Directory for storing external pointer files.""" CACHE = "cache" """Directory to cache transient data.""" DATASET_IMAGES = "dataset_images" """Directory for dataset images.""" DATASETS_PROVENANCE = "dataset.json" """File for storing datasets' provenance.""" _temporary_datasets_path = None _datasets_provenance = None @property def renku_datasets_path(self): """Return a ``Path`` instance of Renku dataset metadata folder.""" if self._temporary_datasets_path: return self._temporary_datasets_path return self.path / self.renku_home / self.DATASETS @property def renku_dataset_images_path(self): """Return a ``Path`` instance of Renku dataset metadata folder.""" if self._temporary_datasets_path: return self._temporary_datasets_path return self.path / self.renku_home / self.DATASET_IMAGES @property def datasets_provenance_path(self): """Path to store activity files.""" return self.renku_path / self.DATASETS_PROVENANCE
[docs] def set_temporary_datasets_path(self, path): """Set path to Renku dataset metadata directory.""" self._temporary_datasets_path = path
[docs] def clear_temporary_datasets_path(self): """Clear path to Renku dataset metadata directory.""" self._temporary_datasets_path = None
[docs] def is_using_temporary_datasets_path(self): """Return true if temporary datasets path is set.""" return bool(self._temporary_datasets_path)
@property def renku_pointers_path(self): """Return a ``Path`` instance of Renku pointer files folder.""" path = self.path / self.renku_home / self.POINTERS path.mkdir(exist_ok=True) return path @property def datasets_provenance(self): """Return dataset provenance if available.""" if not self.has_datasets_provenance(): return if not self._datasets_provenance: self._datasets_provenance = DatasetProvenance.from_json(self.datasets_provenance_path) return self._datasets_provenance
[docs] def update_datasets_provenance(self, dataset, remove=False): """Update datasets provenance for a dataset.""" if not self.has_datasets_provenance(): return if remove: self.datasets_provenance.remove_dataset(dataset=dataset, client=self) else: self.datasets_provenance.update_dataset(dataset=dataset, client=self) self.datasets_provenance.to_json()
[docs] def has_datasets_provenance(self): """Return true if dataset provenance exists.""" return self.datasets_provenance_path.exists()
[docs] def remove_datasets_provenance_file(self): """Remove dataset provenance.""" try: self.datasets_provenance_path.unlink() except FileNotFoundError: pass
[docs] def initialize_datasets_provenance(self): """Create empty dataset provenance file.""" self.datasets_provenance_path.write_text("[]")
[docs] def datasets_from_commit(self, commit=None): """Return datasets defined in a commit.""" commit = commit or self.repo.head.commit try: datasets = commit.tree / self.renku_home / self.DATASETS except KeyError: return for tree in datasets: try: blob = tree / self.METADATA except KeyError: continue dataset = Dataset.from_yaml(self.path / Path(blob.path), client=self) dataset.commit = commit yield dataset
@property def datasets(self): """Return mapping from path to dataset.""" result = {} for path in self.get_datasets_metadata_files(): result[path] = self.load_dataset_from_path(path) return result
[docs] def get_datasets_metadata_files(self): """Return a generator of datasets metadata files.""" return self.renku_datasets_path.rglob(self.METADATA)
[docs] def load_dataset_from_path(self, path, commit=None): """Return a dataset from a given path.""" path = Path(path) if not path.is_absolute(): path = self.path / path return Dataset.from_yaml(path, client=self, commit=commit)
[docs] def get_dataset_path(self, name): """Get dataset path from name.""" path = self.renku_datasets_path / name / self.METADATA if not path.exists(): try: path = LinkReference(client=self, name="datasets/" + name).reference except errors.ParameterError: return None return path
[docs] def load_dataset(self, name=None, strict=False): """Load dataset reference file.""" dataset = None if name: path = self.get_dataset_path(name) if path and path.exists(): dataset = self.load_dataset_from_path(path) if not dataset and strict: raise errors.DatasetNotFound(name=name) return dataset
[docs] @contextmanager def with_dataset(self, name=None, create=False, immutable=False): """Yield an editable metadata object for a dataset.""" dataset = self.load_dataset(name=name) clean_up_required = False dataset_ref = None path = None if dataset is None: if not create: raise errors.DatasetNotFound(name=name) clean_up_required = True dataset, path, dataset_ref = self.create_dataset(name=name) elif create: raise errors.DatasetExistsError('Dataset exists: "{}".'.format(name)) dataset.immutable = immutable or create dataset_path = self.path / self.data_dir / dataset_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) try: yield dataset except Exception: # TODO use a general clean-up strategy # if clean_up_required: dataset_ref.delete() shutil.rmtree(path.parent, ignore_errors=True) raise dataset.to_yaml()
[docs] @contextmanager def with_dataset_provenance(self, name=None, create=False): """Yield a dataset's metadata from dataset provenance.""" dataset = self.load_dataset_from_provenance(name=name) clean_up_required = False dataset_ref = None path = None if dataset is None: if not create: raise errors.DatasetNotFound(name=name) clean_up_required = True dataset, path, dataset_ref = self.create_dataset(name=name) elif create: raise errors.DatasetExistsError('Dataset exists: "{}".'.format(name)) else: dataset = dataset.to_dataset(self) dataset_path = self.path / self.data_dir / dataset_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) try: yield dataset except Exception: # TODO use a general clean-up strategy # if clean_up_required: dataset_ref.delete() shutil.rmtree(path.parent, ignore_errors=True) raise dataset.to_yaml(os.path.join(self.path, dataset.path, self.METADATA))
[docs] def load_dataset_from_provenance(self, name, strict=False): """Load latest dataset's metadata from dataset provenance file.""" dataset = None if name: dataset = self.datasets_provenance.get_latest_by_name(name) if not dataset and strict: raise errors.DatasetNotFound(name=name) return dataset
[docs] def create_dataset( self, name=None, title=None, description=None, creators=None, keywords=None, images=None, safe_image_paths=[] ): """Create a dataset.""" if not name: raise errors.ParameterError("Dataset name must be provided.") if not is_dataset_name_valid(name): valid_name = get_slug(name) raise errors.ParameterError(f'Dataset name "{name}" is not valid (Hint: "{valid_name}" is valid).') if self.load_dataset(name=name): raise errors.DatasetExistsError('Dataset exists: "{}".'.format(name)) if not title: title = name identifier = str(uuid.uuid4()) metadata_path = self.renku_datasets_path / identifier / self.METADATA if metadata_path.exists(): raise errors.DatasetExistsError(f"Dataset with reference {metadata_path} exists") dataset_path = metadata_path.parent dataset_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) dataset_path = dataset_path.relative_to(self.path) if creators is None: creators = [Person.from_git(self.repo)] keywords = keywords or () dataset = Dataset( client=self, identifier=identifier, name=name, title=title, path=dataset_path, description=description, creators=creators, keywords=keywords, immutable=True, # No mutation required when first creating a dataset ) if images: safe_image_paths.append(self.path) self.set_dataset_images(dataset, images, safe_image_paths) dataset_ref = LinkReference.create(client=self, name="datasets/" + name) dataset_ref.set_reference(metadata_path) dataset.to_yaml(path=metadata_path) return dataset, metadata_path, dataset_ref
[docs] def set_dataset_images(self, dataset, images, safe_image_paths=[]): """Set the images on a dataset.""" if not images: images = [] (self.renku_dataset_images_path / dataset.identifier).mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) previous_images = dataset.images or [] dataset.images = [] images_updated = False for img in images: position = img["position"] content_url = img["content_url"] if any(i.position == img["position"] for i in dataset.images): raise errors.DatasetImageError(f"Duplicate dataset image specified for position {position}") existing = next( (i for i in previous_images if i.position == img["position"] and i.content_url == img["content_url"]), None, ) if existing: dataset.images.append(existing) continue image_type = None if urlparse(content_url).netloc: # NOTE: absolute url if not img.get("mirror_locally", False): dataset.images.append( ImageObject(content_url, position, id=ImageObject.generate_id(dataset, position)) ) images_updated = True continue # NOTE: mirror the image locally try: path, _ = urlretrieve(content_url) except error.URLError as e: raise errors.DatasetImageError(f"Dataset image with url {content_url} couldn't be mirrored") from e image_type = imghdr.what(path) if image_type: image_type = f".{image_type}" content_url = path safe_image_paths.append(Path(path).parent) path = content_url if not os.path.isabs(path): path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.path, path)) if not os.path.exists(path) or not any(os.path.commonprefix([path, p]) == str(p) for p in safe_image_paths): # NOTE: make sure files exists and prevent path traversal raise errors.DatasetImageError(f"Dataset image with relative path {content_url} not found") image_folder = self.renku_dataset_images_path / dataset.identifier if not path.startswith(str(image_folder)): # NOTE: only copy dataset image if it's not in .renku/datasets/<id>/images/ already if image_type: ext = image_type else: _, ext = os.path.splitext(content_url) img_path = image_folder / f"{position}{ext}" shutil.copy(path, img_path) dataset.images.append( ImageObject( str(img_path.relative_to(self.path)), position, id=ImageObject.generate_id(dataset, position) ) ) images_updated = True new_urls = [i.content_url for i in dataset.images] for prev in previous_images: # NOTE: Delete images if they were removed if prev.content_url in new_urls or urlparse(prev.content_url).netloc: continue path = prev.content_url if not os.path.isabs(path): path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.path, path)) os.remove(path) return images_updated or dataset.images != previous_images
[docs] def add_data_to_dataset( self, dataset, urls, force=False, overwrite=False, sources=(), destination="", ref=None, external=False, extract=False, all_at_once=False, destination_names=None, ): """Import the data into the data directory.""" dataset_datadir = self.path / dataset.data_dir destination = destination or Path(".") destination = self._resolve_path(dataset_datadir, destination) destination = self.path / dataset_datadir / destination if destination.exists() and not destination.is_dir(): raise errors.ParameterError(f'Destination is not a directory: "{destination}"') self.check_external_storage() files = [] if all_at_once: # Importing a dataset files = self._add_from_urls( urls=urls, destination_names=destination_names, destination=destination, extract=extract, ) else: for url in urls: is_remote, is_git, url = _check_url(url) if is_git and is_remote: # Remote git repo sources = sources or () new_files = self._add_from_git(url=url, sources=sources, destination=destination, ref=ref) else: if sources: raise errors.UsageError('Cannot use "--source" with URLs or local files.') if not is_remote: # Local path, might be git if is_git: communication.warn( "Adding data from local Git repository: " + "Use remote's Git URL instead to enable " + "lineage information and updates." ) u = parse.urlparse(url) new_files = self._add_from_local( dataset=dataset, path=u.path, external=external, destination=destination ) else: # Remote URL new_files = self._add_from_url(url=url, destination=destination, extract=extract) files.extend(new_files) # Remove all files that are under a .git directory paths_to_avoid = [f["path"] for f in files if ".git" in str(f["path"]).split(os.path.sep)] if paths_to_avoid: files = [f for f in files if f["path"] not in paths_to_avoid] communication.warn( "Ignored adding paths under a .git directory:\n " + "\n ".join(str(p) for p in paths_to_avoid) ) files_to_commit = {str(self.path / f["path"]) for f in files} if not force: ignored_files = self.find_ignored_paths(*files_to_commit) if ignored_files: ignored_files = set(ignored_files) files_to_commit = files_to_commit.difference(ignored_files) ignored_sources = [] for file_ in files: if str(self.path / file_["path"]) in ignored_files: operation = file_.get("operation") if operation: src, _, _ = operation ignored_sources.append(src) else: ignored_sources.append(file_["path"]) files = [f for f in files if str(self.path / f["path"]) in files_to_commit] communication.warn( "Theses paths are ignored by one of your .gitignore " + 'files (use "--force" flag if you really want to add ' + "them):\n " + "\n ".join([str(p) for p in ignored_sources]) ) # all files at this point can be force-added if not overwrite: existing_files = dataset.find_files(files_to_commit) if existing_files: files_to_commit = files_to_commit.difference(existing_files) files = [f for f in files if str(self.path / f["path"]) in files_to_commit] communication.warn( "These existing files were not overwritten " + '(use "--overwrite" flag to overwrite them):\n ' + "\n ".join([str(p) for p in existing_files]) ) for data in files: operation = data.pop("operation", None) if not operation: continue src, dst, action = operation # Remove existing file if any self.remove_file(dst) dst.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if action == "copy": shutil.copy(src, dst) elif action == "move": shutil.move(src, dst, copy_function=shutil.copy) elif action == "symlink": self._create_external_file(src, dst) data["external"] = True else: raise errors.OperationError(f"Invalid action {action}") # Track non-symlinks in LFS if self.check_external_storage(): lfs_paths = self.track_paths_in_storage(*files_to_commit) show_message = self.get_value("renku", "show_lfs_message") if lfs_paths and (show_message is None or show_message == "True"): ( "Adding these files to Git LFS:\n" + "\t{}".format("\n\t".join(lfs_paths)) + "\nTo disable this message in the future, run:" + "\n\trenku config set show_lfs_message False" ) ) # Force-add to include possible ignored files add_to_git(self.repo.git, *files_to_commit, force=True) self.repo.git.add(self.renku_pointers_path, force=True) staged_files = self.repo.index.diff("HEAD") if staged_files: msg = "renku dataset: committing {} newly added files".format(len(files_to_commit)) skip_hooks = not self.external_storage_requested self.repo.index.commit(msg, skip_hooks=skip_hooks) else: communication.warn("No new file was added to project") # Generate the DatasetFiles dataset_files = [] for data in files: data.setdefault("url", generate_dataset_file_url(client=self, filepath=str(data["path"]))) dataset_file = DatasetFile.from_revision(self, **data) # Set dataset file path relative to root for submodules. if dataset_file.client != self: dataset_file.path = str(data["path"]) dataset_files.append(dataset_file) dataset.update_files(dataset_files)
def _check_protected_path(self, path): """Checks if a path is a protected path.""" try: path_in_repo = path.relative_to(self.path) except ValueError: return False for protected_path in self.RENKU_PROTECTED_PATHS: str_path = str(path_in_repo) if re.match("^{}$".format(protected_path), str_path): return True return False def _add_from_local(self, dataset, path, external, destination): """Add a file or directory from a local filesystem.""" src = Path(os.path.abspath(path)) if not src.exists(): raise errors.ParameterError(f"Cannot find file/directory: {path}") dst = destination / # if we have a directory, recurse if src.is_dir(): if dst.exists() and not dst.is_dir(): raise errors.ParameterError(f'Cannot copy directory to a file: "{dst}"') if src == (self.path / dataset.data_dir).resolve(): raise errors.ParameterError(f"Cannot add dataset's data directory recursively: {path}") if self._check_protected_path(src): raise errors.ProtectedFiles([src]) files = [] for f in src.iterdir(): files.extend( self._add_from_local(dataset=dataset, path=os.path.abspath(f), external=external, destination=dst) ) return files else: # Check if file is in the project and return it path_in_repo = None if self._is_external_file(src): path_in_repo = path else: try: path_in_repo = src.relative_to(self.path) except ValueError: pass else: if self._check_protected_path(src): raise errors.ProtectedFiles([src]) if path_in_repo: return [{"path": path_in_repo, "source": path_in_repo, "parent": self}] action = "symlink" if external else "copy" return [ { "path": dst.relative_to(self.path), "source": os.path.relpath(str(src), str(self.path)), "parent": self, "operation": (src, dst, action), } ] def _add_from_urls(self, urls, destination, destination_names, extract): listeners = communication.get_listeners() def subscribe_communication_listeners(function, **kwargs): try: for communicator in listeners: communication.subscribe(communicator) return function(**kwargs) finally: for communicator in listeners: communication.unsubscribe(communicator) files = [] max_workers = min(os.cpu_count() - 1, 4) or 1 with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers) as executor: futures = { executor.submit( subscribe_communication_listeners, self._add_from_url, url=url, destination=destination, extract=extract, filename=name, ) for url, name in zip(urls, destination_names) } for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(futures): files.extend(future.result()) return files def _add_from_url(self, url, destination, extract, filename=None): """Process adding from url and return the location on disk.""" url = self._provider_check(url) try: start = time.time() * 1e3 tmp_root, paths = self._download(url=url, filename=filename, extract=extract) exec_time = (time.time() * 1e3 - start) // 1e3 # If execution time was less or equal to zero seconds, # block the thread a bit to avoid being rate limited. if exec_time == 0: time.sleep(min(os.cpu_count() - 1, 4) or 1) except (requests.exceptions.HTTPError, error.HTTPError) as e: # pragma nocover raise errors.OperationError("Cannot download from {}".format(url)) from e paths = [(src, destination / src.relative_to(tmp_root)) for src in paths if not src.is_dir()] return [ { "operation": (src, dst, "move"), "path": dst.relative_to(self.path), "source": remove_credentials(url), "parent": self, } for src, dst in paths ] def _add_from_git(self, url, sources, destination, ref): """Process adding resources from another git repository.""" from renku import LocalClient u = parse.urlparse(url) sources = self._resolve_paths(u.path, sources) # Get all files from repo that match sources repo, repo_path = self.prepare_git_repo(url, ref) files = set() used_sources = set() for file in repo.head.commit.tree.traverse(): path = file.path result = self._get_src_and_dst(path, repo_path, sources, destination, used_sources) if result: files.add(result) unused_sources = set(sources.keys()) - used_sources if unused_sources: unused_sources = {str(s) for s in unused_sources} raise errors.ParameterError("No such file or directory", param_hint=unused_sources) # Create metadata and move files to dataset results = [] remote_client = LocalClient(repo_path) # Pull files from LFS paths = set() for path, src, _ in files: if src.is_dir(): continue if src.is_symlink(): try: path = str(src.resolve().relative_to(repo_path)) except ValueError: # External file pass paths.add(path) self._fetch_lfs_files(repo_path, paths) # Fetch metadata from Renku if any paths = {f[0] for f in files} metadata = self._fetch_files_metadata(remote_client, paths) new_files = [] for path, src, dst in files: if not src.is_dir(): # Use original metadata if it exists based_on = metadata.get(path) if based_on: based_on.url = url based_on.based_on = None based_on.source = url else: based_on = DatasetFile.from_revision(remote_client, path=src, url=url, source=url) path_in_dst_repo = dst.relative_to(self.path) if path_in_dst_repo in new_files: # A path with the same destination is already copied continue new_files.append(path_in_dst_repo) if remote_client._is_external_file(src): operation = (src.resolve(), dst, "symlink") else: operation = (src, dst, "move") results.append( { "path": path_in_dst_repo, "source": remove_credentials(url), "parent": self, "based_on": based_on, "operation": operation, } ) return results @staticmethod def _ensure_dropbox(url): """Ensure dropbox url is set for file download.""" if not isinstance(url, ParseResult): url = parse.urlparse(url) query = url.query or "" if "dl=0" in url.query: query = query.replace("dl=0", "dl=1") else: query += "dl=1" url = url._replace(query=query) return url def _provider_check(self, url): """Check additional provider related operations.""" # NOTE: Check if the url is a redirect. r = requests.head(url, allow_redirects=True) url = parse.urlparse(r.url) if "" in url.netloc: url = self._ensure_dropbox(url) return parse.urlunparse(url) def _resolve_paths(self, root_path, paths): """Check if paths are within a root path and resolve them.""" result = OrderedDict() # Used as an ordered-set for path in paths: r = self._resolve_path(root_path, path) result[r] = None return result @staticmethod def _resolve_path(root_path, path): """Check if a path is within a root path and resolve it.""" try: root_path = Path(root_path).resolve() path = os.path.abspath(root_path / path) return Path(path).relative_to(root_path) except ValueError: raise errors.ParameterError("File {} is not within path {}".format(path, root_path)) @staticmethod def _get_src_and_dst(path, repo_path, sources, dst_root, used_sources): is_wildcard = False matched_pattern = None if not sources: source = Path(".") else: source = None for s in sources.keys(): try: Path(path).relative_to(s) except ValueError: if glob.globmatch(path, str(s), flags=glob.GLOBSTAR): is_wildcard = True source = Path(path) used_sources.add(s) matched_pattern = str(s) break else: source = Path(s) used_sources.add(source) break if not source: return if is_wildcard: # Search to see if a parent of the path matches the pattern and return it while glob.globmatch(str(source.parent), matched_pattern, flags=glob.GLOBSTAR) and source != source.parent: source = source.parent src = repo_path / path source_name = relative_path = Path(path).relative_to(source) if src.is_dir() and is_wildcard: sources[source] = None used_sources.add(source) dst = dst_root / source_name / relative_path return path, src, dst @staticmethod def _fetch_lfs_files(repo_path, paths): """Fetch and checkout paths that are tracked by Git LFS.""" repo_path = str(repo_path) try: paths = [shlex.quote(p) for p in paths] status = run_command( ["git", "lfs", "pull", "--include"], *paths, separator=",", stderr=PIPE, cwd=repo_path, universal_newlines=True, ) if status.returncode != 0: message = "\n\t".join(status.stderr.split("\n")) raise errors.GitError(f"Cannot pull LFS objects from server: {message}") except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except SubprocessError as e: raise errors.GitError(f"Cannot pull LFS objects from server: {e}") @staticmethod def _fetch_files_metadata(client, paths): """Return metadata for files from paths.""" files = {} if is_project_unsupported(client): return files migration_type = client.migration_type # NOTE: We are not interested in migrating workflows when looking for dataset metadata client.migration_type = ~MigrationType.WORKFLOWS try: migrate(client, skip_template_update=True, skip_docker_update=True) finally: client.migration_type = migration_type for _, dataset in client.datasets.items(): for file_ in dataset.files: path = file_.path if path in paths: files[path] = file_ return files
[docs] def dataset_commits(self, dataset, max_results=None): """Gets the newest commit for a dataset or its files. Commits are returned sorted from newest to oldest. """ paths = [(self.path / dataset.path / self.METADATA).resolve()] paths.extend(self.path / f.path for f in dataset.files) commits = self.repo.iter_commits(paths=paths, max_count=max_results) return commits
[docs] def add_dataset_tag(self, dataset, tag, description="", force=False): """Adds a new tag to a dataset. Validates if the tag already exists and that the tag follows the same rules as docker tags. See for a documentation of docker tag syntax. :raises: errors.ParameterError """ if len(tag) > 128: raise errors.ParameterError("Tags can be at most 128 characters long.") if not re.match("^(?![.-])[a-zA-Z0-9_.-]{1,128}$", tag): raise errors.ParameterError( ( "Tag {} is invalid. \n" "Only characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9, ., - and _ " "are allowed. \nTag can't start with a . or -" ).format(tag) ) if any(t for t in dataset.tags if == tag): if force: # remove duplicate tag dataset.tags = [t for t in dataset.tags if != tag] else: raise errors.ParameterError("Tag {} already exists".format(tag)) latest_commit = list(self.dataset_commits(dataset, max_results=1))[0] tag = DatasetTag(name=tag, description=description, commit=latest_commit.hexsha, dataset=dataset.title) dataset.tags.append(tag)
[docs] def remove_dataset_tags(self, dataset, tags): """Removes tags from a dataset.""" tag_names = { for t in dataset.tags} not_found = set(tags).difference(tag_names) if len(not_found) > 0: raise errors.ParameterError("Tags {} not found".format(", ".join(not_found))) dataset.tags = [t for t in dataset.tags if not in tags]
[docs] def update_dataset_git_files(self, files, ref, delete=False): """Update files and dataset metadata according to their remotes. :param files: List of files to be updated :param delete: Indicates whether to delete files or not :return: List of files that should be deleted """ from renku import LocalClient visited_repos = {} updated_files = [] deleted_files = [] progress_text = "Checking files for updates" try: communication.start_progress(progress_text, len(files)) for file_ in files: communication.update_progress(progress_text, 1) if not file_.based_on: continue file_.based_on = DatasetFile.from_jsonld(file_.based_on) based_on = file_.based_on url = based_on.source if url in visited_repos: repo, repo_path, remote_client = visited_repos[url] else: repo, repo_path = self.prepare_git_repo(url, ref) remote_client = LocalClient(repo_path) visited_repos[url] = repo, repo_path, remote_client remote_file = self._fetch_file_metadata(remote_client, based_on.path) if not remote_file: try: remote_file = DatasetFile.from_revision( remote_client, path=based_on.path, source=None, added=based_on.added ) except KeyError: raise errors.ParameterError("Cannot find file {} in the repo {}".format(based_on.source, url)) commit_sha = self._get_commit_sha_from_label(based_on) remote_commit_sha = self._get_commit_sha_from_label(remote_file) if commit_sha != remote_commit_sha: src = Path(repo.working_dir) / based_on.path dst = self.renku_path.parent / file_.path if src.exists(): # Fetch file if it is tracked by Git LFS self._fetch_lfs_files(repo_path, {based_on.path}) if remote_client._is_external_file(src): self.remove_file(dst) self._create_external_file(src.resolve(), dst) else: shutil.copy(src, dst) file_.based_on.commit = remote_file.commit file_.based_on._label = file_.based_on.default_label() file_.based_on._id = file_.based_on.default_id() updated_files.append(file_) else: # File was removed or renamed if delete: self.remove_file(dst) deleted_files.append(file_) finally: communication.finalize_progress(progress_text) if not updated_files and (not delete or not deleted_files): # Nothing to commit or update return [], deleted_files # Commit changes in files file_paths = {str(self.path / f.path) for f in updated_files + deleted_files} # Force-add to include possible ignored files that are in datasets add_to_git(self.repo.git, *file_paths, force=True) skip_hooks = not self.external_storage_requested self.repo.index.commit( "renku dataset: updated {} files and deleted {} files".format(len(updated_files), len(deleted_files)), skip_hooks=skip_hooks, ) # Update datasets' metadata modified_datasets = {} for file_ in updated_files: new_file = DatasetFile.from_revision( self, path=file_.path, based_on=file_.based_on, url=file_.url, source=file_.source ) file_.dataset.update_files([new_file]) modified_datasets[] = file_.dataset if delete: for file_ in deleted_files: file_.dataset.unlink_file(file_.path) modified_datasets[] = file_.dataset for dataset in modified_datasets.values(): dataset.to_yaml() self.update_datasets_provenance(dataset) return updated_files, deleted_files
def _create_external_file(self, src, dst): """Create a new external file.""" try: pointer_file = self._create_pointer_file(target=src) relative = os.path.relpath(pointer_file, dst.parent) os.symlink(relative, dst) except OSError as e: raise errors.OperationError("Could not create symbolic link") from e def _create_pointer_file(self, target, checksum=None): """Create a new pointer file.""" target = Path(target).resolve() if checksum is None: checksum = self._calculate_checksum(target) while True: filename = "{}-{}".format(uuid.uuid4(), checksum) path = self.renku_pointers_path / filename if not path.exists(): break try: os.symlink(target, path) except FileNotFoundError: raise errors.ParameterError("Cannot find external file {}".format(target)) return path def _calculate_checksum(self, filepath): try: return self.repo.git.hash_object(str(filepath)) except GitCommandError: return None
[docs] def update_external_files(self, records): """Update files linked to external storage.""" updated_files_paths = [] updated_datasets = {} for file_ in records: if file_.external: path = self.path / file_.path link = path.parent / os.readlink(path) pointer_file = self.path / link pointer_file = self._update_pointer_file(pointer_file) if pointer_file is not None: relative = os.path.relpath(pointer_file, path.parent) os.remove(path) os.symlink(relative, path) updated_files_paths.append(str(path)) updated_datasets[] = file_.dataset if not updated_files_paths: return add_to_git(self.repo.git, *updated_files_paths, force=True) self.repo.git.add(self.renku_pointers_path, force=True) commit = self.repo.index.commit("renku dataset: updated {} external files".format(len(updated_files_paths))) for dataset in updated_datasets.values(): for file_ in dataset.files: if str(self.path / file_.path) in updated_files_paths: file_.update_commit(commit) dataset.mutate() dataset.to_yaml() self.update_datasets_provenance(dataset)
def _update_pointer_file(self, pointer_file_path): """Update a pointer file.""" try: target = pointer_file_path.resolve(strict=True) except FileNotFoundError: target = pointer_file_path.resolve() raise errors.ParameterError("External file not found: {}".format(target)) checksum = self._calculate_checksum(target) current_checksum ="-")[-1] if checksum == current_checksum: return os.remove(pointer_file_path) return self._create_pointer_file(target, checksum=checksum)
[docs] @staticmethod def remove_file(filepath): """Remove a file/symlink and its pointer file (for external files).""" path = Path(filepath) try: link = path.parent / os.readlink(path) except FileNotFoundError: return except OSError: # not a symlink but a normal file os.remove(path) return os.remove(path) try: os.remove(link) except FileNotFoundError: pass
def _is_external_file(self, path): """Checks if a path within repo is an external file.""" if not Path(path).is_symlink() or not self._is_path_within_repo(path): return False pointer = os.readlink(path) return f"{self.renku_home}/{self.POINTERS}" in pointer
[docs] def has_external_files(self): """Return True if project has external files.""" for dataset in self.datasets.values(): for file_ in dataset.files: if file_.external: return True
def _is_path_within_repo(self, path): if not os.path.isabs(path): path = os.path.abspath(path) path = Path(path) try: path.relative_to(self.path) except ValueError: return False else: return True
[docs] def prepare_git_repo(self, url, ref=None): """Clone and cache a Git repo.""" if not url: raise errors.GitError("Invalid URL.") renku_branch = "renku-default-branch" def checkout(repo, ref): try: repo.git.checkout(ref) except GitCommandError: raise errors.ParameterError('Cannot find reference "{}" in Git repository: {}'.format(ref, url)) depth = 1 if not ref else None ref = ref or renku_branch u = GitURL.parse(url) path = u.pathname if u.hostname == "localhost": path = str(Path(path).resolve()) url = path repo_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[0] path = os.path.dirname(path).lstrip("/") repo_path = self.renku_path / self.CACHE / u.hostname / path / repo_name if repo_path.exists(): repo = Repo(str(repo_path)) if repo.remotes.origin.url == url: try: repo.git.checkout(".") repo.git.fetch(all=True) repo.git.checkout(ref) try: repo.git.pull() except GitError: # When ref is not a branch, an error is thrown pass except GitError: # ignore the error and try re-cloning pass else: return repo, repo_path try: shutil.rmtree(str(repo_path)) except PermissionError: raise errors.InvalidFileOperation("Cannot delete files in {}: Permission denied".format(repo_path)) repo, _ = clone(url, path=str(repo_path), install_githooks=False, depth=depth) # Because the name of the default branch is not always 'master', we # create an alias of the default branch when cloning the repo. It # is used to refer to the default branch later. renku_ref = "refs/heads/" + renku_branch try: repo.git.execute(["git", "symbolic-ref", renku_ref, repo.head.reference.path]) checkout(repo, ref) except GitCommandError as e: raise errors.GitError("Cannot clone remote Git repo: {}".format(url)) from e else: return repo, repo_path
@staticmethod def _fetch_file_metadata(client, path): """Return metadata for a single file.""" for _, dataset in client.datasets.items(): for file_ in dataset.files: if file_.path == path: return file_ @staticmethod def _get_commit_sha_from_label(dataset_file): label = dataset_file._label if "@" in label: return label.rsplit("@", maxsplit=1)[-1] return label def _download(self, url, filename, extract, chunk_size=16384): def extract_dataset(filepath): """Extract downloaded file.""" try: tmp = tempfile.mkdtemp() patoolib.extract_archive(str(filepath), outdir=tmp, verbosity=-1) except patoolib.util.PatoolError: return filepath.parent, [filepath] else: filepath.unlink() return Path(tmp), [p for p in Path(tmp).rglob("*")] tmp_root = self.renku_path / self.CACHE tmp_root.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) tmp = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=tmp_root) with requests.get(url, stream=True, allow_redirects=True) as request: request.raise_for_status() if not filename: u = parse.urlparse(url) filename = Path(u.path).name if not filename: raise errors.ParameterError(f"URL Cannot find a file to download from {url}") download_to = Path(tmp) / filename with open(str(download_to), "wb") as file_: total_size = int(request.headers.get("content-length", 0)) communication.start_progress(name=filename, total=total_size) try: for chunk in request.iter_content(chunk_size=chunk_size): if chunk: # ignore keep-alive chunks file_.write(chunk) communication.update_progress(name=filename, amount=len(chunk)) finally: communication.finalize_progress(name=filename) if extract: return extract_dataset(download_to) return download_to.parent, [download_to]
def _check_url(url): """Check if a url is local/remote and if it contains a git repository.""" u = parse.urlparse(url) if u.scheme not in Dataset.SUPPORTED_SCHEMES: raise errors.UrlSchemeNotSupported('Scheme "{}" not supported'.format(u.scheme)) is_remote = u.scheme not in ("", "file") or url.startswith("git@") is_git = False if is_remote: is_git = u.path.endswith(".git") if not is_git: # NOTE: Check if the url is a redirect. url = requests.head(url, allow_redirects=True).url u = parse.urlparse(url) else: try: Repo(u.path, search_parent_directories=True) except GitError: pass else: is_git = True return is_remote, is_git, url DATASET_METADATA_PATHS = [ Path(RENKU_HOME) / DatasetsApiMixin.DATASETS, Path(RENKU_HOME) / DatasetsApiMixin.DATASET_IMAGES, Path(RENKU_HOME) / DatasetsApiMixin.POINTERS, Path(RENKU_HOME) / LinkReference.REFS, Path(RENKU_HOME) / DatasetsApiMixin.DATASETS_PROVENANCE, ".gitattributes", ]