Plugin Support

Runtime Plugins

Runtime plugins are supported using the pluggy library.

Runtime plugins can be created as Python packages that contain the respective entry point definition in their file, like so:

from setuptools import setup

    entry_points={"renku": ["name_of_plugin = myproject.pluginmodule"]},

where myproject.pluginmodule points to a Renku hookimpl e.g.:

from renku.core.plugins import hookimpl

def plugin_hook_implementation(param1, param2):

renku run hooks

Plugin hooks for renku run customization.[source]

Plugin Hook to add Annotation entry list to a WorkflowTool.

Parameters:run – A WorkflowTool object to get annotations for.
Returns:A list of renku.core.models.cwl.annotation.Annotation objects.[source]

Plugin Hook that gets called at the start of a renku run call.

Can be used to setup plugins that get executed during the run.

Parameters:run – A WorkflowTool object that will get executed by renku run.[source]

Plugin Hook to add Annotation entry list to a ProcessRun.

Parameters:run – A ProcessRun object to get annotations for.
Returns:A list of renku.core.models.cwl.annotation.Annotation objects.

CLI Plugins

Command-line interface plugins are supported using the click-plugins <> library.

As in case the runtime plugins, command-line plugins can be created as Python packages that contain the respective entry point definition in their file, like so:

from setuptools import setup

    entry_points={"renku.cli_plugins": ["mycmd = myproject.pluginmodule:mycmd"]},

where myproject.pluginmodule:mycmd points to a click command e.g.:

import click

def mycmd():