Source code for renku.api.repository

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2018-2019 - Swiss Data Science Center (SDSC)
# A partnership between École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) and
# Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (ETHZ).
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Client for handling a local repository."""

import datetime
import uuid
from collections import defaultdict
from contextlib import contextmanager
from subprocess import check_output

import attr
import filelock
import yaml
from werkzeug.utils import cached_property, secure_filename

from renku._compat import Path
from renku.models.refs import LinkReference

from ._git import GitCore

[docs]def default_path(): """Return default repository path.""" from git import InvalidGitRepositoryError from renku.cli._git import get_git_home try: return get_git_home() except InvalidGitRepositoryError: return '.'
[docs]@attr.s class PathMixin: """Define a default path attribute.""" path = attr.ib( default=default_path, converter=lambda arg: Path(arg).resolve().absolute(), ) @path.validator def _check_path(self, _, value): """Check the path exists and it is a directory.""" if not (value.exists() and value.is_dir()): raise ValueError('Define an existing directory.')
[docs]@attr.s class RepositoryApiMixin(GitCore): """Client for handling a local repository.""" renku_home = attr.ib(default='.renku') """Define a name of the Renku folder (default: ``.renku``).""" renku_path = attr.ib(init=False) """Store a ``Path`` instance of the Renku folder.""" parent = attr.ib(default=None) """Store a pointer to the parent repository.""" METADATA = 'metadata.yml' """Default name of Renku config file.""" LOCK_SUFFIX = '.lock' """Default suffix for Renku lock file.""" WORKFLOW = 'workflow' """Directory for storing workflow in Renku.""" def __attrs_post_init__(self): """Initialize computed attributes.""" #: Configure Renku path. path = Path(self.renku_home) if not path.is_absolute(): path = self.path / path path.relative_to(path) self.renku_path = path self._subclients = {} super().__attrs_post_init__() # initialize submodules if self.repo: check_output([ 'git', 'submodule', 'update', '--init', '--recursive' ], cwd=str(self.path)) # TODO except @property def lock(self): """Create a Renku config lock.""" return filelock.FileLock( str(self.renku_path.with_suffix(self.LOCK_SUFFIX)), timeout=0, ) @property def renku_metadata_path(self): """Return a ``Path`` instance of Renku metadata file.""" return self.renku_path.joinpath(self.METADATA) @property def workflow_path(self): """Return a ``Path`` instance of the workflow folder.""" return self.renku_path / self.WORKFLOW
[docs] @cached_property def cwl_prefix(self): """Return a CWL prefix.""" self.workflow_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # for Python 3.5 return str(self.workflow_path.resolve().relative_to(self.path))
[docs] @cached_property def project(self): """Return FOAF/PROV representation of the project.""" from renku.cli._docker import GitURL from renku.models.provenance import Project remote_name = 'origin' try: remote_branch = self.repo.head.reference.tracking_branch() if remote_branch is not None: remote_name = remote_branch.remote_name except TypeError: pass try: url = GitURL.parse(self.repo.remotes[remote_name].url) # Remove gitlab. unless running on hostname_parts = url.hostname.split('.') if len(hostname_parts) > 2 and hostname_parts[0] == 'gitlab': hostname_parts = hostname_parts[1:] url = attr.evolve(url, hostname='.'.join(hostname_parts)) except IndexError: url = None if url: remote_url = 'https://' + url.hostname if url.owner: remote_url += '/' + url.owner if remote_url += '/' + return Project(id=remote_url) return Project(id='file://{0}'.format(self.path))
[docs] def process_commit(self, commit=None, path=None): """Build an :class:`~renku.models.provenance.activities.Activity` instance. :param commit: Commit to process. (default: ``HEAD``) :param path: Process a specific CWL file. """ from renku.models.cwl._ascwl import CWLClass from renku.models.provenance.activities import Activity commit = commit or self.repo.head.commit if len(commit.parents) > 1: return Activity(commit=commit, client=self) if path is None: for file_ in commit.stats.files.keys(): # Find a process (CommandLineTool or Workflow) if self.is_cwl(file_): if path is not None: # Regular activity since it edits multiple CWL files return Activity(commit=commit, client=self) path = file_ if path: data = (commit.tree / path) process = CWLClass.from_cwl( yaml.safe_load(data), __reference__=Path(path) ) return process.create_run( commit=commit, client=self, process=process, path=path, ) return Activity(commit=commit, client=self)
[docs] def is_cwl(self, path): """Check if the path is a valid CWL file.""" return path.startswith(self.cwl_prefix) and path.endswith('.cwl')
[docs] def find_previous_commit(self, paths, revision='HEAD'): """Return a previous commit for a given path.""" file_commits = list(self.repo.iter_commits(revision, paths=paths)) if not file_commits: raise KeyError( 'Could not find a file {0} in range {1}'.format( paths, revision ) ) return file_commits[0]
[docs] @cached_property def workflow_names(self): """Return index of workflow names.""" names = defaultdict(list) for ref in LinkReference.iter_items(self, common_path='workflows'): names[str(ref.reference.relative_to(self.path))].append( return names
[docs] @cached_property def submodules(self): """Return list of submodules it belongs to.""" if self.parent: client, submodule = self.parent return client.submodules + [] return []
[docs] def subclients(self, parent_commit): """Return mapping from submodule to client.""" if parent_commit in self._subclients: return self._subclients[parent_commit] try: from git import Submodule submodules = [ submodule for submodule in Submodule.iter_items(self.repo, parent_commit=parent_commit) ] except (RuntimeError, ValueError): # There are no submodules assiciated with the given commit. submodules = [] return self._subclients.setdefault( parent_commit, { submodule: self.__class__( path=(self.path / submodule.path).resolve(), parent=(self, submodule), ) for submodule in submodules } )
[docs] def resolve_in_submodules(self, commit, path): """Resolve filename in submodules.""" original_path = self.path / path if original_path.is_symlink() or str(path ).startswith('.renku/vendors'): original_path = original_path.resolve() for submodule, subclient in self.subclients(commit).items(): try: subpath = original_path.relative_to(subclient.path) return ( subclient, subclient.find_previous_commit( subpath, revision=submodule.hexsha ), subpath, ) except ValueError: pass return self, commit, path
[docs] @contextmanager def with_metadata(self): """Yield an editable metadata object.""" from renku.models._jsonld import asjsonld from renku.models.projects import Project metadata_path = self.renku_metadata_path if self.renku_metadata_path.exists(): with'r') as f: source = yaml.safe_load(f) or {} else: source = {} metadata = Project.from_jsonld(source, __reference__=metadata_path) yield metadata source.update(**asjsonld(metadata)) with'w') as f: yaml.dump(source, f, default_flow_style=False)
[docs] @contextmanager def with_workflow_storage(self): """Yield a workflow storage.""" from renku.models.cwl._ascwl import ascwl from renku.models.cwl.workflow import Workflow workflow = Workflow() yield workflow for step in workflow.steps: step_name = '{0}_{1}.cwl'.format( uuid.uuid4().hex, secure_filename('_'.join(, ) workflow_path = self.workflow_path if not workflow_path.exists(): workflow_path.mkdir() step_path = workflow_path / step_name with'w') as step_file: yaml.dump( ascwl( # filter=lambda _, x: not (x is False or bool(x), filter=lambda _, x: x is not None, basedir=workflow_path, ), stream=step_file, default_flow_style=False )
[docs] def init_repository(self, name=None, force=False): """Initialize a local Renku repository.""" from git import Repo path = self.path.absolute() if force: self.renku_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=force) if self.repo is None: self.repo = Repo.init(str(path)) else: if self.repo is not None: raise FileExistsError(self.repo.git_dir) self.renku_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=force) self.repo = Repo.init(str(path)) self.repo.description = name or # Check that an author can be determined from Git. from renku.models.datasets import Author Author.from_git(self.repo) # TODO read existing gitignore and create a unique set of rules import pkg_resources gitignore_default = pkg_resources.resource_stream( '', 'gitignore.default' ) gitignore_path = path / '.gitignore' with'w') as gitignore: gitignore.write( gitignore.write( '\n' + str( self.renku_path.relative_to(self.path). with_suffix(self.LOCK_SUFFIX) ) + '\n' ) with self.with_metadata() as metadata: = name metadata.updated = datetime.datetime.utcnow() return str(path)