Source code for renku.core.models.provenance.entities

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2018-2019- Swiss Data Science Center (SDSC)
# A partnership between École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) and
# Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (ETHZ).
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# limitations under the License.
"""Represent provenance entities."""

import weakref
from pathlib import Path

import attr

from renku.core.models import jsonld as jsonld

def _str_or_none(data):
    """Return str representation or None."""
    return str(data) if data is not None else data

class CommitMixin:
    """Represent a commit mixin."""

    commit = attr.ib(default=None, kw_only=True)
    client = attr.ib(default=None, kw_only=True)
    path = jsonld.ib(

    _id = jsonld.ib(context='@id', kw_only=True)
    _label = jsonld.ib(context='rdfs:label', kw_only=True)
    _project = jsonld.ib(context='schema:isPartOf', kw_only=True, default=None)

    def submodules(self):
        """Proxy to client submodules."""
        return self.client.submodules

    def default_id(self):
        """Configure calculated ID."""
        if self.commit:
            hexsha = self.commit.hexsha
            hexsha = 'UNCOMMITTED'
        return 'blob/{hexsha}/{self.path}'.format(hexsha=hexsha, self=self)

    def default_label(self):
        """Generate a default label."""
        if self.commit:
            hexsha = self.commit.hexsha
            hexsha = 'UNCOMMITTED'
        if self.path:
            return '{self.path}@{hexsha}'.format(hexsha=hexsha, self=self)
        return '{hexsha}'.format(hexsha=hexsha, self=self)

    def __attrs_post_init__(self):
        """Post-init hook."""
        if self.path:
            path = Path(self.path)
            if path.is_absolute():
                self.path = str(path.relative_to(self.client.path))

        # always force "project" to be the current project
        if self.client:
            self._project = self.client.project

[docs]@jsonld.s( type=[ 'prov:Entity', 'wfprov:Artifact', ], context={ 'schema': '', 'prov': '', 'wfprov': '', }, cmp=False, ) class Entity(CommitMixin): """Represent a data value or item.""" _parent = attr.ib( default=None, kw_only=True, converter=lambda value: weakref.ref(value) if value is not None else None, )
[docs] @classmethod def from_revision( cls, client, path, revision='HEAD', parent=None, **kwargs ): """Return dependency from given path and revision.""" client, commit, path = client.resolve_in_submodules( client.find_previous_commit(path, revision=revision), path, ) path_ = client.path / path if path != '.' and path_.is_dir(): entity = Collection( client=client, commit=commit, path=path, members=[], parent=parent, ) for member in path_.iterdir(): if == '.gitkeep': continue try: entity.members.append( cls.from_revision( client, str(member.relative_to(client.path)), commit, parent=entity, **kwargs ) ) except KeyError: pass else: entity = cls( client=client, commit=commit, path=str(path), parent=parent, **kwargs ) return entity
@property def parent(self): # pragma: no cover """Return the parent object.""" return self._parent() if self._parent is not None else None @property def entities(self): """Yield itself.""" yield self
[docs]@jsonld.s( type=[ 'prov:Collection', ], context={ 'prov': '', }, cmp=False, ) class Collection(Entity): """Represent a directory with files.""" members = jsonld.ib(context='prov:hadMember', kw_only=True)
[docs] @members.default def default_members(self): """Generate default members as entities from current path.""" dir_path = self.client.path / self.path assert dir_path.is_dir() members = [] for path in dir_path.iterdir(): if == '.gitkeep': continue # ignore empty directories in Git repository cls = Collection if path.is_dir() else Entity members.append( cls( commit=self.commit, client=self.client, path=str(path.relative_to(self.client.path)), parent=self, ) ) return members
@property def entities(self): """Recursively return all files.""" for member in self.members: yield from member.entities yield self
[docs]@jsonld.s( type=[ 'wfdesc:Process', 'prov:Entity', 'prov:Plan', ], context={ 'wfdesc': '', 'prov': '', }, cmp=False, ) class Process(CommitMixin): """Represent a process.""" _activity = jsonld.ib( context='prov:activity', kw_only=True, converter=weakref.ref, ) @property def activity(self): """Return the activity object.""" return self._activity()
[docs]@jsonld.s( type=[ 'wfdesc:Workflow', 'prov:Entity', 'prov:Plan', ], context={ 'wfdesc': '', 'prov': '', }, cmp=False, ) class Workflow(Process): """Represent workflow with subprocesses.""" subprocesses = jsonld.ib(context='wfdesc:hasSubProcess', kw_only=True)
[docs] @subprocesses.default def default_subprocesses(self): """Load subprocesses.""" return [ subprocess.association.plan for subprocess in self.activity.subprocesses.values() ]