Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2018-2019 - Swiss Data Science Center (SDSC)
# A partnership between École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) and
# Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (ETHZ).
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Client for handling datasets."""

import os
import re
import shutil
import stat
import uuid
import warnings
from configparser import NoSectionError
from contextlib import contextmanager
from pathlib import Path
from subprocess import PIPE, SubprocessError, run
from urllib import error, parse

import attr
import requests
from git import GitCommandError, GitError, Repo

from renku.core import errors
from import clone
from import RENKU_HOME
from renku.core.models.datasets import Dataset, DatasetFile, DatasetTag
from renku.core.models.git import GitURL
from renku.core.models.locals import with_reference
from renku.core.models.provenance.agents import Person
from renku.core.models.refs import LinkReference

[docs]@attr.s class DatasetsApiMixin(object): """Client for handling datasets.""" datadir = attr.ib(default='data', converter=str) """Define a name of the folder for storing datasets.""" DATASETS = 'datasets' """Directory for storing dataset metadata in Renku.""" @property def renku_datasets_path(self): """Return a ``Path`` instance of Renku dataset metadata folder.""" return Path(self.renku_home).joinpath(self.DATASETS)
[docs] def datasets_from_commit(self, commit=None): """Return datasets defined in a commit.""" commit = commit or self.repo.head.commit try: datasets = commit.tree / self.renku_home / self.DATASETS except KeyError: return for tree in datasets: try: blob = tree / self.METADATA except KeyError: continue dataset = Dataset.from_yaml( self.path / Path(blob.path), client=self ) dataset.commit = commit yield dataset
@property def datasets(self): """Return mapping from path to dataset.""" result = {} paths = (self.path / self.renku_datasets_path).rglob(self.METADATA) for path in paths: result[path] = self.get_dataset(path) return result
[docs] def get_dataset(self, path, commit=None): """Return a dataset from a given path.""" if not path.is_absolute(): path = self.path / path return Dataset.from_yaml(path, client=self, commit=commit)
[docs] def dataset_path(self, name): """Get dataset path from name.""" path = self.renku_datasets_path / name / self.METADATA if not path.exists(): path = LinkReference( client=self, name='datasets/' + name ).reference return path
[docs] def load_dataset(self, name=None): """Load dataset reference file.""" if name: path = self.dataset_path(name) if path.exists(): return self.get_dataset(path)
[docs] @contextmanager def with_dataset(self, name=None, identifier=None, create=False): """Yield an editable metadata object for a dataset.""" dataset = self.load_dataset(name=name) clean_up_required = False if dataset is None: # Avoid nested datasets: name mustn't have '/' in it if len(Path(name).parts) > 1: raise errors.ParameterError( 'Dataset name {} is not valid.'.format(name) ) if not create: raise errors.DatasetNotFound clean_up_required = True dataset_ref = None identifier = str(uuid.uuid4()) path = (self.renku_datasets_path / identifier / self.METADATA) try: path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=False) except FileExistsError: raise errors.DatasetExistsError( 'Dataset with reference {} exists'.format(path.parent) ) with with_reference(path): dataset = Dataset( identifier=identifier, name=name, client=self ) if name: dataset_ref = LinkReference.create( client=self, name='datasets/' + name ) dataset_ref.set_reference(path) elif create: raise errors.DatasetExistsError( 'Dataset exists: "{}".'.format(name) ) dataset_path = self.path / self.datadir / dataset_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) try: yield dataset except Exception: # TODO use a general clean-up strategy # if clean_up_required and dataset_ref: dataset_ref.delete() shutil.rmtree(path.parent, ignore_errors=True) raise # TODO # if path is None: # path = dataset_path / self.METADATA # if path.exists(): # raise ValueError('Dataset already exists') dataset.to_yaml()
[docs] def add_data_to_dataset( self, dataset, urls, force=False, sources=(), destination='', ref=None, link=False ): """Import the data into the data directory.""" warning_message = '' dataset_path = self.path / self.datadir / destination = destination or Path('.') destination = self._resolve_path(dataset_path, destination) destination = self.path / dataset_path / destination files = [] for url in urls: is_remote, is_git = _check_url(url) if is_git and is_remote: # Remote git repo sources = sources or () data = self._add_from_git( dataset, url, sources, destination, ref ) else: if sources: raise errors.UsageError( 'Cannot use "--source" with URLs or local files.' ) if not is_remote: # Local path, might be git if is_git: warning_message = 'Adding data from local Git ' \ 'repository. Use remote\'s Git URL instead to ' \ 'enable lineage information and updates.' u = parse.urlparse(url) data = self._add_from_local( dataset, u.path, link, destination ) else: # Remote URL data = self._add_from_url(dataset, url, destination) files.extend(data) self.track_paths_in_storage(*(f['path'] for f in files)) ignored = self.find_ignored_paths(*(data['path'] for data in files)) or [] if ignored: if force: self.repo.git.add(*ignored, force=True) else: raise errors.IgnoredFiles(ignored) # commit all new data file_paths = {str(data['path']) for data in files if str(data['path'])} self.repo.git.add(*(file_paths - set(ignored))) self.repo.index.commit( 'renku dataset: commiting {} newly added files'. format(len(file_paths) + len(ignored)) ) # Generate the DatasetFiles dataset_files = [] for data in files: if os.path.basename(str(data['path'])) == '.git': continue datasetfile = DatasetFile.from_revision(self, **data) # Set dataset file path relative to projects root for submodules if datasetfile.client != self: datasetfile.path = str(data['path']) dataset_files.append(datasetfile) dataset.update_files(dataset_files) return warning_message
def _add_from_local(self, dataset, path, link, destination): """Add a file or directory from local filesystem.""" src = Path(path).resolve() if not src.exists(): raise errors.ParameterError( 'Cannot find file/directory: {}'.format(path) ) if destination.exists() and destination.is_dir(): destination = destination / # if we have a directory, recurse if src.is_dir(): if destination.exists() and not destination.is_dir(): raise errors.ParameterError('Cannot copy directory to a file') if == '.git': # Cannot have a '.git' directory inside a Git repo return [] files = [] destination.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) for f in src.iterdir(): files.extend( self._add_from_local( dataset, f.absolute().as_posix(), link=link, destination=destination ) ) return files else: # Check if file is in the project and return it try: path_in_repo = src.relative_to(self.path) except ValueError: pass else: return [{ 'path': path_in_repo, 'url': src.as_uri(), 'creator': dataset.creator, 'dataset':, 'parent': self }] # Make sure the parent directory exists. destination.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if link: try:, str(destination)) except Exception as e: raise errors.OperationError( 'Could not create hard link ' '- retry without --link.' ) from e else: shutil.copy(str(src), str(destination)) return [{ 'path': destination.relative_to(self.path), 'url': src.as_uri(), 'creator': dataset.creator, 'dataset':, 'parent': self }] def _add_from_url(self, dataset, url, destination): """Process an add from url and return the location on disk.""" if destination.exists() and destination.is_dir(): u = parse.urlparse(url) destination = destination / Path(u.path).name try: response = requests.get(url) destination.write_bytes(response.content) except error.HTTPError as e: # pragma nocover raise errors.OperationError( 'Cannot download from {}'.format(url) ) from e # make the added file read-only mode = destination.stat().st_mode & 0o777 destination.chmod(mode & ~(stat.S_IXUSR | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IXOTH)) return [{ 'path': destination.relative_to(self.path), 'url': url, 'creator': dataset.creator, 'dataset':, 'parent': self }] def _add_from_git(self, dataset, url, sources, destination, ref): """Process adding resources from another git repository.""" from renku import LocalClient u = parse.urlparse(url) sources = self._resolve_paths(u.path, sources) # Get all files from repo that match sources repo, repo_path = self._prepare_git_repo(url, ref) copied_sources = set() files = set() for file in repo.head.commit.tree.traverse(): path = file.path result = self._get_src_and_dst( path, repo_path, sources, destination ) if result: files.add(result) source = result[3] copied_sources.add(source) uncopied_sources = sources - copied_sources if uncopied_sources: uncopied_sources = {str(s) for s in uncopied_sources} raise errors.ParameterError( 'No such file or directory', param_hint=uncopied_sources ) # Create metadata and move files to dataset results = [] remote_client = LocalClient(repo_path) # Pull files from LFS paths = set() for path, src, _, __ in files: if src.is_dir(): continue if src.is_symlink(): path = str(src.resolve().relative_to(repo_path)) paths.add(path) self._fetch_lfs_files(repo_path, paths) # Fetch metadata from Renku if any paths = {f[0] for f in files} metadata = self._fetch_files_metadata(remote_client, paths) for path, src, dst, _ in files: if not src.is_dir(): # Use original metadata if it exists based_on = metadata.get(path) if based_on: based_on.url = url based_on.based_on = None creators = based_on.creator else: creators = [] # grab all the creators from the commit history for commit in repo.iter_commits(paths=path): creator = Person.from_commit(commit) if creator not in creators: creators.append(creator) based_on = DatasetFile.from_revision( remote_client, path=path, url=url ) path_in_dst_repo = dst.relative_to(self.path) results.append({ 'path': path_in_dst_repo, 'url': url, 'creator': creators, 'dataset':, 'parent': self, 'based_on': based_on }) dst.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) shutil.copy(str(src), str(dst)) return results def _resolve_paths(self, root_path, paths): """Check if paths are within a root path and resolve them.""" return {self._resolve_path(root_path, p) for p in paths} def _resolve_path(self, root_path, path): """Check if a path is within a root path and resolve it.""" try: root_path = Path(root_path).resolve() return (root_path / path).resolve().relative_to(root_path) except ValueError: raise errors.ParameterError( 'File {} is not within path {}'.format(path, root_path) ) def _get_src_and_dst(self, path, repo_path, sources, dst_root): if not sources: source = Path('.') else: source = None for s in sources: try: Path(path).relative_to(s) except ValueError: pass else: source = s break if not source: return src = repo_path / path source_name = Path(source).name relative_path = Path(path).relative_to(source) if not dst_root.exists(): if len(sources) == 1: dst = dst_root / relative_path else: # Treat destination as a directory dst = dst_root / source_name / relative_path elif dst_root.is_dir(): dst = dst_root / source_name / relative_path else: # Destination is an existing file if len(sources) == 1 and not src.is_dir(): dst = dst_root elif not sources: raise errors.ParameterError('Cannot copy repo to file') else: raise errors.ParameterError( 'Cannot copy multiple files or directories to a file' ) return (path, src, dst, source) def _fetch_lfs_files(self, repo_path, paths): """Fetch and checkout paths that are tracked by Git LFS.""" repo_path = str(repo_path) try: output = run(('git', 'lfs', 'ls-files', '--name-only'), stdout=PIPE, cwd=repo_path, universal_newlines=True) except SubprocessError: return lfs_files = set(output.stdout.split('\n')) files = lfs_files & paths if not files: return try: for path in files: run(['git', 'lfs', 'pull', '--include', path], cwd=repo_path) except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except SubprocessError: pass @staticmethod def _fetch_files_metadata(client, paths): """Return metadata for files from paths.""" files = {} for _, dataset in client.datasets.items(): for file_ in dataset.files: path = file_.path if path in paths: files[path] = file_ return files
[docs] def get_relative_url(self, url): """Determine if the repo url should be relative.""" # Check if the default remote of the branch we are on is on # the same server as the submodule. If so, use a relative path # instead of an absolute URL. try: branch_remote = self.repo.config_reader().get( 'branch "{}"'.format(, 'remote' ) except NoSectionError: branch_remote = 'origin' try: remote = self.repo.remote(branch_remote) except ValueError: warnings.warn( 'Remote {} not found, cannot check for relative URL.'. format(branch_remote) ) return url remote_url = GitURL.parse(remote.url) submodule_url = GitURL.parse(url) if remote_url.hostname == submodule_url.hostname: # construct the relative path url = Path( '../../{}'.format(submodule_url.owner) if remote_url.owner == submodule_url.owner else '..' ) url = str(url / return url
[docs] def dataset_commits(self, dataset, max_results=None): """Gets the newest commit for a dataset or its files. Commits are returned sorted from newest to oldest. """ paths = [(Path(dataset.path) / self.METADATA).resolve()] paths.extend(f.full_path for f in dataset.files) commits = self.repo.iter_commits(paths=paths, max_count=max_results) return commits
[docs] def add_dataset_tag(self, dataset, tag, description='', force=False): """Adds a new tag to a dataset. Validates if the tag already exists and that the tag follows the same rules as docker tags. See for a documentation of docker tag syntax. :raises: ValueError """ if len(tag) > 128: raise ValueError('Tags can be at most 128 characters long.') if not re.match('^(?![.-])[a-zA-Z0-9_.-]{1,128}$', tag): raise ValueError(( 'Tag {} is invalid. \n' 'Only characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9, ., - and _ ' 'are allowed. \nTag can\'t start with a . or -' ).format(tag)) if any(t for t in dataset.tags if == tag): if force: # remove duplicate tag dataset.tags = [t for t in dataset.tags if != tag] else: raise ValueError('Tag {} already exists'.format(tag)) latest_commit = list(self.dataset_commits(dataset, max_results=1))[0] tag = DatasetTag( name=tag, description=description, commit=latest_commit.hexsha, ) dataset.tags.append(tag) return dataset
[docs] def remove_dataset_tags(self, dataset, tags): """Removes tags from a dataset.""" tag_names = { for t in dataset.tags} not_found = set(tags).difference(tag_names) if len(not_found) > 0: raise ValueError('Tags {} not found'.format(', '.join(not_found))) dataset.tags = [t for t in dataset.tags if not in tags] return dataset
[docs] def update_dataset_files(self, files, ref, delete=False): """Update files and dataset metadata according to their remotes. :param files: List of files to be updated :param delete: Indicates whether to delete files or not :return: List of files that should be deleted """ from renku import LocalClient visited_repos = {} updated_files = [] deleted_files = [] for file_ in files: file_.based_on = DatasetFile.from_jsonld(file_.based_on) based_on = file_.based_on url = based_on.url if url in visited_repos: repo, repo_path, remote_client = visited_repos[url] else: repo, repo_path = self._prepare_git_repo(url, ref) remote_client = LocalClient(repo_path) visited_repos[url] = repo, repo_path, remote_client remote_file = self._fetch_file_metadata( remote_client, based_on.path ) if not remote_file: try: remote_file = DatasetFile.from_revision( remote_client, path=based_on.path, url=url, added=based_on.added ) except KeyError: raise errors.ParameterError( 'Cannot find file {} in the repo {}'.format( based_on.url, url ) ) commit_sha = self._get_commit_sha_from_label(based_on) remote_commit_sha = self._get_commit_sha_from_label(remote_file) if commit_sha != remote_commit_sha: src = Path(repo.working_dir) / based_on.path dst = self.renku_path.parent / file_.path if src.exists(): # Fetch file is it is tracked by Git LFS self._fetch_lfs_files(repo_path, {based_on.path}) shutil.copy(str(src), str(dst)) file_.based_on.commit = remote_file.commit file_.based_on._label = remote_file._label updated_files.append(file_) else: # File was removed or renamed if delete: os.remove(str(dst)) deleted_files.append(file_) if not updated_files and (not delete or not deleted_files): # Nothing to commit or update return deleted_files # Commit changes in files file_paths = {str(f.path) for f in updated_files + deleted_files} # Force-add to include possible ignored files that are in datasets self.repo.git.add(*(file_paths), force=True) self.repo.index.commit( 'renku dataset: updated {} files and deleted {} files'.format( len(updated_files), len(deleted_files) ) ) # Update datasets' metadata modified_datasets = {} for file_ in updated_files: # Re-create list of creators creators = [] # grab all the creators from the commit history for commit in repo.iter_commits(paths=file_.path): creator = Person.from_commit(commit) if creator not in creators: creators.append(creator) new_file = DatasetFile.from_revision( self, path=file_.path, based_on=file_.based_on, creator=creators ) file_.dataset.update_files([new_file]) modified_datasets[] = file_.dataset if delete: for file_ in deleted_files: file_.dataset.unlink_file(file_.path) modified_datasets[] = file_.dataset for dataset in modified_datasets.values(): dataset.to_yaml() return deleted_files
def _prepare_git_repo(self, url, ref): def checkout(repo, ref): try: repo.git.checkout(ref) except GitCommandError: raise errors.ParameterError( 'Cannot find reference "{}" in Git repository: {}'.format( ref, url ) ) RENKU_BRANCH = 'renku-default-branch' ref = ref or RENKU_BRANCH u = GitURL.parse(url) path = u.pathname if u.hostname == 'localhost': path = str(Path(path).resolve()) url = path repo_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[0] path = os.path.dirname(path).lstrip('/') repo_path = self.renku_path / 'cache' / u.hostname / path / repo_name if repo_path.exists(): repo = Repo(str(repo_path)) if repo.remotes.origin.url == url: try: repo.git.fetch(all=True) repo.git.checkout(ref) try: repo.git.pull() except GitError: # When ref is not a branch, an error is thrown pass except GitError: # ignore the error and try re-cloning pass else: return repo, repo_path try: shutil.rmtree(str(repo_path)) except PermissionError: raise errors.InvalidFileOperation( 'Cannot delete files in {}: Permission denied'. format(repo_path) ) repo = clone(url, path=str(repo_path), install_githooks=False) # Because the name of the default branch is not always 'master', we # create an alias of the default branch when cloning the repo. It # is used to refer to the default branch later. renku_ref = 'refs/heads/' + RENKU_BRANCH try: repo.git.execute([ 'git', 'symbolic-ref', renku_ref, repo.head.reference.path ]) checkout(repo, ref) except GitCommandError as e: raise errors.GitError( 'Cannot clone remote Git repo: {}'.format(url) ) from e else: return repo, repo_path @staticmethod def _fetch_file_metadata(client, path): """Return metadata for a single file.""" for _, dataset in client.datasets.items(): for file_ in dataset.files: if file_.path == path: return file_ @staticmethod def _get_commit_sha_from_label(dataset_file): label = dataset_file._label if '@' in label: return label.split('@')[1] return label
def _check_url(url): """Check if a url is local/remote and if it contains a git repository.""" u = parse.urlparse(url) if u.scheme not in Dataset.SUPPORTED_SCHEMES: raise errors.UrlSchemeNotSupported( 'Scheme "{}" not supported'.format(u.scheme) ) is_remote = u.scheme not in ('', 'file') or url.startswith('git@') is_git = False if is_remote: is_git = u.path.endswith('.git') else: try: Repo(u.path, search_parent_directories=True) except GitError: pass else: is_git = True return is_remote, is_git DATASET_METADATA_PATHS = [ Path(RENKU_HOME) / Path(DatasetsApiMixin.DATASETS), Path(RENKU_HOME) / Path(LinkReference.REFS), ]