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# Copyright 2017-2021 - Swiss Data Science Center (SDSC)
# A partnership between École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) and
# Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (ETHZ).
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"""Resolution of ``Workflow`` execution values precedence."""

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from itertools import chain
from typing import Any, Dict, Set

from renku.core import errors
from renku.core.models.workflow.composite_plan import CompositePlan
from renku.core.models.workflow.parameter import ParameterMapping
from renku.core.models.workflow.plan import AbstractPlan, Plan

[docs]class ValueResolver(ABC): """Value resolution class for an ``AbstractPlan``.""" def __init__(self, plan: AbstractPlan, values: Dict[str, Any]): self._values = values self.missing_parameters: Set[str] = set() self._plan = plan
[docs] @abstractmethod def apply(self) -> AbstractPlan: """Applies values and default_values to a potentially nested workflow. :returns: The ``AbstractPlan`` with the user provided values set. """ pass
[docs] @staticmethod def get(plan: AbstractPlan, values: Dict[str, Any]) -> "ValueResolver": """Factory method to obtain the specific ValueResolver for a workflow. :param plan: a workflow. :param values: user defined dictionary of runtime values for the provided workflow. :returns: A ValueResolver object """ return PlanValueResolver(plan, values) if isinstance(plan, Plan) else CompositePlanValueResolver(plan, values)
[docs]class PlanValueResolver(ValueResolver): """Value resolution class for a ``Plan``. Applies values and default_values to a workflow. """ def __init__(self, plan: Plan, values: Dict[str, Any]): super(PlanValueResolver, self).__init__(plan, values)
[docs] def apply(self) -> AbstractPlan: """Applies values and default_values to a ``Plan``.""" if not self._values: return self._plan values_keys = set(self._values.keys()) for param in chain(self._plan.inputs, self._plan.outputs, self._plan.parameters): if in self._values: param.actual_value = self._values[] values_keys.discard( self.missing_parameters = values_keys return self._plan
[docs]class CompositePlanValueResolver(ValueResolver): """Value resolution class for a ``CompositePlan``. Applies values and default_values to a nested workflow. Order of precedence is as follows (from lowest to highest): - Default value on a parameter - Default value on a mapping to the parameter - Value passed to a mapping to the parameter - Value passed to the parameter - Value propagated to a parameter from the source of a ParameterLink """ def __init__(self, plan: CompositePlan, values: Dict[str, Any]): super(CompositePlanValueResolver, self).__init__(plan, values)
[docs] def apply(self) -> AbstractPlan: """Applies values and default_values to a ``CompositePlan``.""" if self._values: self._apply_parameters_values() for name, step in filter(lambda x: isinstance(x[1], dict), self._values.items()): child_workflow = next((w for w in self._plan.plans if == name), None) if not child_workflow: raise errors.ChildWorkflowNotFoundError(name, rv = ValueResolver.get(child_workflow, step) _ = rv.apply() self.missing_parameters.update({f"{name}.{mp}" for mp in rv.missing_parameters}) # apply defaults for mapping in self._plan.mappings: self._apply_parameter_defaults(mapping) apply_parameter_links(self._plan) return self._plan
def _apply_parameter_defaults(self, mapping: ParameterMapping) -> None: """Apply default values to a mapping and contained params if they're not set already.""" if not mapping.actual_value_set and mapping.default_value: mapping.actual_value = mapping.default_value for mapped_to in mapping.mapped_parameters: if isinstance(mapped_to, ParameterMapping): self._apply_parameter_defaults(mapped_to) else: if not mapped_to.actual_value_set: mapped_to.actual_value = mapping.default_value def _apply_parameters_values(self) -> None: """Apply values to mappings of a CompositePlan.""" for k, v in filter(lambda x: not isinstance(x[1], dict), self._values.items()): mapping = next((m for m in self._plan.mappings if == k), None) if not mapping: self.missing_parameters.add(k) continue mapping.actual_value = v