Implementing a workflow providerΒΆ

In the previous section about Running Renku on HPC, we described how using different workflow providers can enable the user running renku workflows on HPC. In this short article we will discuss how to implement our own, custom workflow provider as a plugin for Renku CLI.

Renku provides the option to add a new workflow executor backend with the help of pluggy plugins.

In order to implement such a plugin, the developer of the new workflow provider plugin should provide the new executor implementation by implementing the IWorkflowProvider interface.

A simple example of a MyProvider workflow executor plugin:

from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict, List

from renku.core.models.workflow.provider import IWorkflowProvider
from renku.core.plugins import hookimpl

class MyProvider(IWorkflowProvider):
    def workflow_provider(self):
        """Workflow provider name."""
        return (self, "my")

    def workflow_execute(self, dag: "nx.DiGraph", basedir: Path, config: Dict[str, Any]):
        """Executing the ``Plans``."""
        generated_outputs: List[str] = []

        # traversing the dag that contains the ``Plans``
        # and executing each plan in the graph

        return generated_outputs

The execution of the workflow(s) shall be defined in workflow_execute function, where

  • dag is a Directed Acyclic Graph of Plans to be executed represented with a networkx.DiGraph,

  • basedir is the absolute path to the project,

  • config dictionary contains the provider related optional configuration parameters.

The workflow_provider function shall return a tuple of (object, str), where object should be the plugin object, i.e. self and the string is a unique identifier of the provider plugin. This unique string will be the string that the user can provide to the --provider command line argument to select this plugin for executing the desired workflows.